same thing
whether i use MF or don't use MF i can't change my countries/color/ or nick.
ok, normally
If i want to change country/color/nick
eg if i stary with tank123/iraq/green
i would go
1. my information
2. - change to russia-purple
3. - push back
4. QM
and then in the next QM i should be Russia-purple
but now when i do that i still stay iraq-green
is there something i am doing wrong?
BY THE WAY, really appreciate you doing all this stuff
> > when i change my countries/nick or whatever, when the QM starts I am back using the old nick and old country.
> > eg. tankdrvr-green-iraq (used MF for that QM game)
> > and even though i changed my selection in the "MY information" screen, my next QM still uses my old green-iraq setting.
> > I can't change my nick, i can't change my country, and i can't change my color.
> > (i have tried changing the default, and the auto login thing, but still i can't change it)
> > the same thing happened to me with the 1.8MF thats why i always used the earlier version of MF instead of the new one. and i have tried uninstalling RA2 and stuff, and i am sure that its the MF1.9 stuffing it up,because i can change my options before i use MF1.9 and its only after i used mf1.9 that i can't change my options.
> > i really don't want to have to uninstall my ra2 again, and iam sure some ppl are having the some problem as i am
> I haven't heard of other players with the same problem.
> What happens if you launch the game without having MF running?
> > thanks
> > Tank-driver
> > > MF shouldn't have done anything. What happens if you choose another country?
> > > > Tank-Driver