> same thing
> whether i use MF or don't use MF i can't change my countries/color/ or nick.
> ok, normally
> If i want to change country/color/nick
> eg if i stary with tank123/iraq/green
> i would go
> 1. my information
> 2. - change to russia-purple
> 3. - push back
> 4. QM
> and then in the next QM i should be Russia-purple
> but now when i do that i still stay iraq-green
> is there something i am doing wrong?
Do u uncheck the "auto login" box,change your nickname,check the auto login box, back to initial start screen ?
If you do then WOL should ask when you go to QM "do you wish to login with this name in the future ?" to which you say yes and then it goes to QM screen.
Hope this helps. GL
> BY THE WAY, really appreciate you doing all this stuff
> thanks
> tank-driver
> > > when i change my countries/nick or whatever, when the QM starts I am back using the old nick and old country.
> > > eg. tankdrvr-green-iraq (used MF for that QM game)
> > > and even though i changed my selection in the "MY information" screen, my next QM still uses my old green-iraq setting.
> > > I can't change my nick, i can't change my country, and i can't change my color.
> > > (i have tried changing the default, and the auto login thing, but still i can't change it)
> > > the same thing happened to me with the 1.8MF thats why i always used the earlier version of MF instead of the new one. and i have tried uninstalling RA2 and stuff, and i am sure that its the MF1.9 stuffing it up,because i can change my options before i use MF1.9 and its only after i used mf1.9 that i can't change my options.
> > > i really don't want to have to uninstall my ra2 again, and iam sure some ppl are having the some problem as i am
> > I haven't heard of other players with the same problem.
> > What happens if you launch the game without having MF running?
> > > thanks
> > > Tank-driver
> > > > MF shouldn't have done anything. What happens if you choose another country?
> > > > > Tank-Driver