XGS Gamespy Player 1.04 - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy22:27 13-10-2003

Olaf I am having enormous difficulties with the above program/utility = your wisdom is requested.

1.I can view a RA2 game replay on GameSpy player that I have recorded and played
2.Upon detecting a cheater at their work,I attempt to upload the replay from file C:\Westwood\RA2\replays to Strike Team database wherupon
(a)My upload screen freezes at the end of the upload
(b)It cannot be downloaded by others to view from the ST reports section.

I have no other programs other than the internet running - My OS is XP PRO and I am on 56 K connection - the upload files are below the maximum size required for upload.

I didn't have any problems with Gamespy 1.03 - can it still be used as evidence to ST ?

Please help as I am getting really hacked/+$%*&^ off at these cheaters getting away with their cheats because I am not able to provide the replay.

Many THX

Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek22:30 13-10-20038
    Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy22:39 13-10-2003
        Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy23:36 13-10-2003
            Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek06:12 14-10-2003
                Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy14:30 14-10-2003
                    Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek14:37 14-10-2003
                        Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy09:57 17-10-2003
                            Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek09:59 17-10-2003

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