Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04 - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy22:27 13-10-2003
Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek22:30 13-10-2003
Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy22:39 13-10-2003

> > Olaf I am having enormous difficulties with the above program/utility = your wisdom is requested.

> > 1.I can view a RA2 game replay on GameSpy player that I have recorded and played
> > BUT
> > 2.Upon detecting a cheater at their work,I attempt to upload the replay from file C:\Westwood\RA2\replays to Strike Team database wherupon
> > (a)My upload screen freezes at the end of the upload
> > AND
> > (b)It cannot be downloaded by others to view from the ST reports section.

> > I have no other programs other than the internet running - My OS is XP PRO and I am on 56 K connection - the upload files are below the maximum size required for upload.

> > I didn't have any problems with Gamespy 1.03 - can it still be used as evidence to ST ?

> Yes, the format of the file should not cause the upload to 'go bad'. You might want to ask the staff member that handles the report if you can send the replay via email.
Yeah got that thanks but it's a hell of a lot of trouble for ST staff member and doesn't solve the problem (I'm not getting at you honestly - You can see from my previous posts here and on ST (Hound of Ulster)that I am very supportive to your industries/work).
Have you heard of this before and when you have time could you look into this ?
I know you are very busy and I would asist you in any way I could.
> > Please help as I am getting really hacked/+$%*&^ off at these cheaters getting away with their cheats because I am not able to provide the replay.

> > Many THX

Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy23:36 13-10-20036
    Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek06:12 14-10-2003
        Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy14:30 14-10-2003
            Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek14:37 14-10-2003
                Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Dellboy09:57 17-10-2003
                    Re: XGS Gamespy Player 1.04Olaf van der Spek09:59 17-10-2003

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