XCC Community Ladder

Guide: Using MF
Black list (BL)

This list contains players that did not play fair.

White list (WL)

This list contains players that registered on it. Because players can easily be removed from this list, they're more likely to be fair.

You can register on this list via MF:

Hall of Fame (HoF)

The hall of fame lists the ten best players and clans on each ladder. Players must be registed on the white list before they can enter the hall of fame. The hall of fame is updated at the first day of each month, right before the ladder is reset.

Hall of Shame (HoS)

The hall of shame lists the players that did not play fair. Players must be registed on the black list before they can enter the hall of shame. ;->

Community Ladder (CL)

A new ladder for Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge player- and clan tournament games. Games played by players using MF will automatically be registered on this ladder (and on the official ladder of course).

Unfair players

In the unfortunate case you encounter an unfair player, you can report him/her at Strike Team.Net. More details about unfair actions and what your report should contain can be found there too.

Screenshots (ss) should be taken of the unfair actions when possible via Ctrl+C (RA2) or Shift+S (YR).