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Come and seeAlon gives a whole load of s-21:15 10-01-2002
Re: Come and seeGodwin19:39 11-01-2002
Re: Come and seeAlon gives a whole load of s-23:34 11-01-2002
Re: Come and seeGotrek08:12 12-01-2002
Re: Come and seebasic115:51 12-01-2002
Re: Come and seeGotrek05:54 13-01-2002
Re: Come and seeAlon-Balon08:43 13-01-2002

> > Q. what is the ultimate goal of this forum?

> > A. to assist in the creation of mods for CnC games?

> > Q. Whats this forum coming to?

> > A. a pile of insults that serve no productive good.

> Now hang on! U can't say that after just one msg with questionable content!

> > come on people, lighten up.
> :D Hey, I'm :cool: :D
> Just a little :eek: at at the :confused: words!
> I'm not :mad:
> I'll just :rolleyes: and :p at :confused: msgs from now on, 'kay? ;)

ahhh aaahhh stop with the smilies you're making me sick!!!
oh, i just didn't take my medicine this morning.

Re: Come and seeGotrek06:55 14-01-2002

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