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progress check on ra2 normals and 3ds questionsViPr17:06 14-02-2002
Re: progress check on ra2 normals and 3ds questionsflyby18:06 14-02-2002
Re: progress check on ra2 normals and 3ds questionsViPr17:55 15-02-2002
Re: progress check on ra2 normals and 3ds questionsflyby21:58 15-02-2002
bump mappingViPr21:56 16-02-2002

how many sliders are there to control the strength of a bump map in 3ds? according to my documents there are 2 and that makes sense to me. is this correct? i think maybe my 3ds documents are wrong because the bump maps in my program look too rough or too weak which just ends up looking ugly and stupid. you can imagine this is very upsetting to me since i went through alot of hardship to put bump-mapping in my engine since the first release of 3dsvxl so that i could be one of the first programmers to show off bump mapping.

btw if you pull vertices of a triangle out so that the triangle becomes huge, then will the bump map that was on it seem to become less noticeable? that's what my engine does and that's what makes sense to me but some people tell me that's wrong. what do you think?

Re: bump mappingflyby00:16 17-02-20023
    Re: bump mappingViPr02:19 17-02-2002
        Re: bump mappinghaydn02:22 18-02-2002

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