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Renegade jerksViPr18:00 01-07-2002
Re: Renegade jerksOlaf van der Spek00:32 02-07-2002
Re: Renegade jerksViPr02:04 02-07-2002
Re: Renegade jerksOlaf van der Spek02:07 02-07-2002

> > > it's unbelievable what assholes some people can be. there are people playing Renegade that wait until you get out of your vehicle to repair it and then they steal it and drive if off a cliff so it lands upside down and blows up. there are also assholes that shoot at your vehicle when you get out so that it gets damaged or they ram your vehicle against a wall and don't let you go or they park in the refinery's docking port, blocking the harvester from connecting to it and all this they do to you when they are on your team! how do you friggin kick people out in this game? nobody seemed to be able to do anything. we get so preoccupied figuring out how to get rid of an asshole that we lose the match. what a stupid game. it could be one of the best games if they spent five more minutes with the code.

> > How would that prevent such 'assholes'?

> well i was playing on a server of 20 people, 10 people per team and still nobody knew how to kick the asshole off. they should add a kick ability or if there is one then they should make it intuitive so it can be easy to figure out how to kick them.

Maybe everybody should just read the manuals/readmes.

> and they should make it so we can communicate easier. i always have to ask a question several times because i miss the answer. the messages get bumped off the top by other things. don't they do something like other games where you pull the console down and can read a lot more messages than just 2 or 3.

Yes, I agree. I have no idea what WS was thinking when they designed that.

Re: Renegade jerksViPr02:38 02-07-20029
    Re: Renegade jerksGotrek06:46 02-07-2002
        Re: Renegade jerksSolidxtreme11:01 02-07-2002
            Re: Renegade jerksViPr13:31 02-07-2002
                Re: Renegade jerksGotrek05:17 03-07-2002
                    Re: Renegade jerksViPr05:54 03-07-2002
                        Re: Renegade jerksGotrek05:59 04-07-2002
            Re: Renegade jerksOlaf van der Spek01:34 03-07-2002
                Re: Renegade jerksViPr03:39 03-07-2002

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