Re: Adding sounds from TS - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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Adding sounds from TSmeselfs14:24 29-09-2002
Re: Adding sounds from TSOlaf van der Spek20:47 29-09-2002
Re: Adding sounds from TSmeselfs03:20 30-09-2002
Re: Adding sounds from TSOlaf van der Spek17:38 30-09-2002
Re: Adding sounds from TSmeselfs08:05 01-10-2002

> 16-bit mono
> Run XCC Mixer while the game andmod are running and launch >XCC Sound Editor. Find your sound and try to play it. If >that works it's probably an INI problem.

I had already done that(i didn't do it when the game was running,i instead save audio.bag & audio.idx while the mod was active and tried piky.).So it probably is an ini probem..
I did however notice that my new sounds had an unusual flag:6.MOST(not all)RA2 sounds have a flag of 12.Also there was another value that showed up on the sound editor..i dont remember what it was called,but i think that original sounds have 512(or something close),but my new ones have 0.

perhaps i need winamp?or maybe its just an ini mess up?

I cant check right now,im at college.i will be back home in 4 days and will check then.

Re: Adding sounds from TSOlaf van der Spek22:07 01-10-2002

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