> > Forgot to ask, did you delete the hosts file?
> What is the hosts file, what does it do , where do I find it and is it safe to delete?
It adds IP addresses to host names.
It's safe to delete it.
> BTW I am a computer noob I have no idea about the workings of a computer, I remember Olaf saying the host file could be found in the windows dir, what is that and how do I look for it, also is the host file a "*".host file or is it named host."*"
It's named hosts (without extension).
> And in answer to your other post yes it happens often
> However, I have just realised that it happens less when I turn my firewall off. Is there a compatibility problem?
But it shouldn't depend on MF.
> PS thanks for the link to the QM resolution fix on meselfs website
Olaf van der Spek
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