> A new version of my normals tool is available at:
> http://abscnc.sourceforge.net/will/wwtools/normaliser1.1.zip
> This version uses can apply normals stored in an INI-type file.
Will, i've just ran the first few tests with your converter and found that there is an error somewhere in the normaliser.
Here is what I did :
Took an existing TS voxel, changed all normal indexes to -1 through Excel, converted them back into voxel. I didn't even have to load it into the game to see there was something wrong.
Opened it with the xcc mixer and it showed as a monochromatic but different color then the changed voxel (the one with the -1 normals).
To see what was going on I converted the new voxel into txt and loaded it in excel again.
Apparently ALL the -1's where changed to normal index 20...:confused:
I used the DOS box in w2000 to run the program. it gave me no errors at all.
I noticed that the resulting voxel was alot smaller( 89kb) then the original(118kb).Is that because of the automated optimizing you did?