A new version of my normals tool is available at:
This version uses can apply normals stored in an INI-type file.
This version comes with Flyby's normals, although you can tweak the file if you wish :D
There are still some extra algorithms to clear-up; the choice between top and bottom (or left and right etc) when a voxel has empty space on two opposing sides is still not very clever. Expect this awkward situation to be resolved better in future versions of Koen's tool.
It is a command-prompt tool (sorry, no nice graphical interface :eek: )
At the command-prompt, type "normaliser1" and press enter to see a list of commands.
An example might be:
Normaliser1 apply awing.vxl flyby.ts.normals awing2.vxl
This will auto-normalise "apc.vxl" using the settings in 'flyby.ts.normals' and save the output in "awing2.vxl".
I have been careful to make sure that it won't mess-up the existing voxel.
Hope it works, and if it is suitable, can be incorporated into the main voxel section editor soon :cool: