Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance) - XCC ForumRegister | Login | Search
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speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife03:47 11-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Olaf van der Spek20:24 11-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife03:03 12-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife03:11 14-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Olaf van der Spek22:29 14-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife03:28 15-12-2001
Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Gotrek06:07 15-12-2001

> > > i don't get it, i keep trying but it doesn't work

> > > Instructions please?

> > > thanks

> > What doesn't work?

> well, how do you add speech? it doesn't have an import/add or anything button and i can drag things into it but nothing happens. what kind of files do you put in it etc? can someone give me a tutorial on adding speech or something? I'm just thick - lol

You do know that all sound effects need to be entered into sound.ini (or soundmd.ini for YR) and also listed in rules.ini (or rulesmd.ini) don't you?
Look thru the sounds.ini file and see how it works. Rules.ini refers to sound.ini

You place the sound files into the game with the Sound edtior.

You open sound.ini and place a new entry at the end of [soundlist] using the next available number (see the file to understand this)

Example: for the GI unit's select sound

Then you create the entry in the main part of the file

[GISelect] ; This MUST be the same name you entered in the Soundlist
Sounds= $igisea $igiseb $igisec $igised $igisee $igisef ; Lists the actual sound file's names the $ sign represents a new sound... in other words, when you select a GI, it will say any one of the 6 possible sounds
Control= random ; Just use random here
Volume=85 ; between 0 and 100

Then you save the sound.ini file and close it.
Open rules.ini and scroll to the unit you are editing.

; GI ; Allied GI
VoiceSelect=GISelect ; This refers to sound.ini, so use the same name you used there

So the GI unit [E1] uses sound-group GISelect for it's VoiceSelect.

Hope this helps!

Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife17:57 15-12-20016
    Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)knife03:26 21-12-2001
        Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Gotrek07:19 21-12-2001
            Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)basic119:55 21-12-2001
                Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Gotrek07:13 22-12-2001
                    Re: speech, please help! (thanks in advance)Olaf van der Spek14:08 22-12-2001

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