> > > > i don't get it, i keep trying but it doesn't work
> > > > Instructions please?
> > > > thanks
> > > What doesn't work?
> > well, how do you add speech? it doesn't have an import/add or anything button and i can drag things into it but nothing happens. what kind of files do you put in it etc? can someone give me a tutorial on adding speech or something? I'm just thick - lol
> You do know that all sound effects need to be entered into sound.ini (or soundmd.ini for YR) and also listed in rules.ini (or rulesmd.ini) don't you?
> Look thru the sounds.ini file and see how it works. Rules.ini refers to sound.ini
> So...
> You place the sound files into the game with the Sound edtior.
> You open sound.ini and place a new entry at the end of [soundlist] using the next available number (see the file to understand this)
> Example: for the GI unit's select sound
> [Soundlist]
> 67=GISelect
> Then you create the entry in the main part of the file
> [GISelect] ; This MUST be the same name you entered in the Soundlist
> Sounds= $igisea $igiseb $igisec $igised $igisee $igisef ; Lists the actual sound file's names the $ sign represents a new sound... in other words, when you select a GI, it will say any one of the 6 possible sounds
> Control= random ; Just use random here
> Volume=85 ; between 0 and 100
> Then you save the sound.ini file and close it.
> Open rules.ini and scroll to the unit you are editing.
> ; GI ; Allied GI
> [E1]
> UIName=Name:E1
> ...
> VoiceSelect=GISelect ; This refers to sound.ini, so use the same name you used there
> VoiceMove=GIMove
> VoiceAttack=GIAttackCommand
> VoiceFeedback=GIFear
> VoiceSpecialAttack=GIMove
> ...
> So the GI unit [E1] uses sound-group GISelect for it's VoiceSelect.
> Hope this helps!