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Me again=)Mister Nutt06:37 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:49 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:18 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek07:21 03-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:38 03-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:15 04-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt00:59 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Strategic Commander03:58 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:20 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:24 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:36 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Strategic Commander14:14 05-01-2002

> "Now, my second problem (Every fix spawns 2 more problems for me - anyone else have that trouble?):
> >I can position the aircraft on it via DockingOffsetN=X,Y,Z where N is a number (0 for first aircraft, 1 for second, etc.).
> The problem is, when the aircraft created on the pad (which by the way are positioned exactly where I want them on the BibShape), they can't land. They lift off, go complete their missions, come back, and...Hover. The engine sound cuts off and it should be playing the landing sound, but instead it plays nothing at all, and they just... Sit there. Why won't they land?"

> I repositioned the aircraft.

> -MN

Just a random question, but do planes re-enter formation (Line up along the original docking patern you set) while they are hovering?

Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt17:18 05-01-2002

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