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Me again=)Mister Nutt06:37 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:49 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:18 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek07:21 03-01-2002

> Ok, took me all day but I've got it - it has a bit to do with BibShape. Gotta make 2 images, 1 of em what you want to be in front, the other what you want to be in back. There's a tag u have to put in there, too - BibShape=[Image2]. Only reason I figured that out is cause every structure that ever has a unit in the foreground on it (the turret I'm still stuck on), AKA service depots, helipads, etc., has a BibShape image. Plus I looked up the GAAIRC image (not the BibShape, the Image 1 on it) and it didn't have the pad on it. The pad was BibShape.

> Now, my second problem (Every fix spawns 2 more problems for me - anyone else have that trouble?): I can position the aircraft on it via DockingOffsetN=X,Y,Z where N is a number (0 for first aircraft, 1 for second, etc.). The problem is, when the aircraft created on the pad (which by the way are positioned exactly where I want them on the BibShape), they can't land. They lift off, go complete their missions, come back, and...Hover. The engine sound cuts off and it should be playing the landing sound, but instead it plays nothing at all, and they just... Sit there. Why won't they land?

> -MN

If you're using new flying units, then this may seem obvious, but just check anyway...
you have listed them after PadAircraft= in the rules?
And got Landable=yes in the unit section?
And then added the new structure name to Dock= ?
Check those, before going any further

Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:38 03-01-200222
    Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:15 04-01-2002
        Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt00:59 05-01-2002
            Re: Me again=)Strategic Commander03:58 05-01-2002
                Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:17 05-01-2002
                    Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:39 05-01-2002
                        Clarification-Mister Nutt06:40 05-01-2002
                            Re: Clarification-Gotrek07:08 05-01-2002
                                Re: Clarification-Mister Nutt13:35 05-01-2002
                                    Re: Clarification-Strategic Commander14:12 05-01-2002
                                    Re: Clarification-Gotrek07:06 06-01-2002
                                        Re: Clarification-Mister Nutt14:18 06-01-2002
                                            The reason for your troublesGotrek06:47 07-01-2002
                                                Re: The reason for your troublesMister Nutt08:33 07-01-2002
                                                    Re: The reason for your troublesGotrek07:30 08-01-2002
                                    Re: Clarification-Olaf van der Spek19:59 06-01-2002
                                        Re: Clarification-Mister Nutt08:35 07-01-2002
                Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:20 05-01-2002
                    Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:24 05-01-2002
                        Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:36 05-01-2002
                            Re: Me again=)Strategic Commander14:14 05-01-2002
                                Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt17:18 05-01-2002

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