> haydn how come you can't use the texturing data from the 3ds files. that seems like a major setback. btw about how many triangles are your models? i know quake3 models are around 1000 triangles.
Is setback the right context?;)
Anyway, we aren't going to carry over texturing by choice. You can texture/animate textures etc in WOLF -which acts also as a purge on any corrupted/non-compatible graphics before they reach the actual presentation engine. -a clever concept?
Also, we are deliberatly going low poly count -there is nothing special about really complex models if they are tiny on screen -which they will be -about RA2 size. This will optimise the program and allow massive armies without overly slowing play.
Most of my models are sloppy -about 100-200 triangles but could be less if I tried....