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> > > coz it looks bad. besides that it's slower and harder to program. and if 16 bit color is all your computer can do then it must be really old and slow and really annoying to watch my viewer with it. to give you an idea, on my 2200 MHZ it just barely runs at 2 frames per second in 640x480x32 with a really simple model.
> > I can't judge how much more difficult it is to program 16 bit, but I can tell you it is sure A LOT faster then 32 bit.
> > Run almost any game or OGL program in 16bit and then in 32 bit. I've tested it out on 3dsmax with OGL and 16 bit was almost 4 times faster!!!
> > I'd say you're burning the candle from the wrong end...
> 4 times!? are you sure. i've been looking at benchmarks over the years. 16bit is indeed faster than 32bit in 3d acceleration, but only by a small fraction (less than 10%). i heard they used special hardware tricks in 16bit mode to make it faster but who cares coz the result was ugly. i heard they stopped adding that hardware recently so maybe the gap was wider before but i don't think as much as you say. Have you been testing on an old graphic card that barely has enough ram to store the frame buffers in video memory?
Every videocard has enough RAM to store frame- and z-buffers in local memory.
> i'm pretty sure that with my program, 16bit would be slower but so insubstantially because my program is so slow anyway.
Why would it be slower?
> however the main reason i don't like 16bit is because of the way it looks: i even asked people for code on how to stop 16bit users from viewing my website.
That's a dumb thing to do.
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