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Me again=)Mister Nutt06:37 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:49 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:18 02-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek07:21 03-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt11:38 03-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:15 04-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt00:59 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Strategic Commander03:58 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Gotrek06:17 05-01-2002
Re: Me again=)Mister Nutt06:39 05-01-2002
Clarification-Mister Nutt06:40 05-01-2002
Re: Clarification-Gotrek07:08 05-01-2002
Re: Clarification-Mister Nutt13:35 05-01-2002
Re: Clarification-Gotrek07:06 06-01-2002
Re: Clarification-Mister Nutt14:18 06-01-2002
The reason for your troublesGotrek06:47 07-01-2002

> Pretty big...had to shrink it manually because RA2 wouldn't support the # of cells I needed :) I'll go head and email the SHPs.

> I saw the listings in the art.ini by accident while using VI to edit the ion cannon hack that I borrowed from another mod, and that's when I realized TibED doesn't seem to support EVERYTHING in the art file...I never knew that there was a Rules.ini listing as well, so I'll check that.

> I'll also email u the SHPs ASAP. I don't guess you need the active animations (which aren't quite finished as it is), so I'll just send the image and the bib.

> -MN

I've found the cause of your problem, and I'm afraid you aren't going to like it.

Only one plane successfully lands on IPLAT, and that's the one going to dockingoffset7
And then only if it's flying in from the east or south of IPLAT.
The reason this one DOES land, is that it's landing point, -506,28,0 is within the foundations of the structure, 4x4.
All the other docking points are outside the foundations, and therefore are not recognised as being a part of the building.
I have confirmed this by changing GAAIRC's foundation from 3x2 to 1x2, effectively ignoring the bib. This of course changed the point from which the dockingoffset is calculated, so the first two planes landed on top of the graphic GAAIRC (on the 1x2 part) while the other two planes hovered above and just to the right: where they would have landed had the foundation been bigger.
So, I'm afraid, you're going to have to redo your IPLAT so that the entire structure, bib included fit within the foundations; something which I doubt you can manage effectively with 9 landing points.

So the foundations of helipad buildings must include the bib to work.

Sorry :-(

I hope that all made sense, it's a little hard for me to explain, without showing you! If you want to make it clearer, change the GAAIRC foundation to 1x2, and you'll see what I mean.

Re: The reason for your troublesMister Nutt08:33 07-01-20022
    Re: The reason for your troublesGotrek07:30 08-01-2002

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